Helping Nature Store Our Water


Conservation =  Groundwater Recharge

In the long history of the District, the word ‘conservation’ has shifted in meaning.  At the District’s start, water was conserved by ensuring recharge into the Bunker Hill Basin.  This recharge by the District was key to surviving the long hot summers and droughts.  This conservation continues today. However, like much of the rest of California, we are experiencing record breaking drought and low water levels caused by a combination of several years of dry winters, the depletion of surface water reservoirs, and new water restrictions to benefit the endangered species in the Sacramento Delta.

Conservation = Water Use Efficiency

In recent years, most people have come to know water conservation as the efforts to use less water in our daily lives.  This form of conservartion is now referred to as Water Use Efficiency.  The District works with others in including the Inland Empire Resource Conservation District and the Basin Technical Advisory Committee Conservation Subcommittee to help you use water more efficiently and maintain the vibrant economy and environment we are all accustomed to; check out

What You Can Do to Conserve

Well owners producing groundwater are the District’s customers.  We have developed materials to help our basin users conserve. We recently completed a Well Owners Guide to Water Use Efficiency and a Use Survey.  Like almost all water users in California, you can do more to use water more efficiently.  Some of the options appear below:

Curb Outdoor Watering

As much as 70% of household water is used outdoors. There are several ways to curb outdoor water use:
– Adjust outdoor sprinklers to prevent run off
– Water less often: most lawns can get by when watered just 3 times per week
– Replace turf grass with native plant or drought-tolerant species
– Invest in microsprayers, drip irrigation, and a weather-based timer.  Any — or all — of these devices will help you reduce outdoor watering
– Mulch outdoor plants to reduce evaporation. Use organic mulch to reduce soil compaction
– Use a broom instead of a hose to clean outdoor sidewalks

Change Some Habits

– Turn off the water when brushing your teeth or washing your face
– Shorten your showers to 5 minutes or less
– Use the dishwasher instead of hand-washing dishes
– Only run the dishwasher when it is full – or use a half-load setting (if your washer has one)
– Use bath-towels and face-cloths more than once before washing
– Wash only full loads of laundry

Invest in Low-Water Use Appliances and Plumbing Fixtures

– Newer, high efficiency washing machines save both water and power
– Newer dishwashers are also more water and energy-efficient
– Low-flush toilets and dual-flush toilets are much more efficient than older models
– Use a flow-restricting shower-head
– Fix leaky faucets


Take advantage of rebate programs that may apply to you.  Check

Southern California Gas CompanyRebates on High Efficiency Washer, Hot Water Heaters, and Low flow showerheads that save both energy and water. If you live in an area not served by a retail water agency or company that provides rebates, check with your energy providers who also provide rebates which help you save water.

Southern California EdisonAvailable Rebates.

For more conservation tips and information, see these web sites:

Watersaving Garden Friendly,  A program by local Inland Empire Agencies that provides an excellent list of plants and related information for low water use tailored for our area. This site, sponsored by the Family of Southern California Water Agencies, features tips on saving water and water-wise landscaping.
Watering Calculator This site is for WaterSense, a partnership program sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency seeking to protect the future of our nation’s water supply by offering people simple ways to use less water. This web site provides a virtual tour of a dedicated conservation home. You can see water saving tips room-by-room by taking the Virtual Home Tour: Or see the top five actions you can take to start saving water immediately It’s never too late or too early to adjust your watering schedule. Cut back on water without cutting into your quality of life. Visit Metropolitan Water District’s Landscape Watering Calculator Tool and Watering Index. This site provides information on California native plants. This site provides information about how to keep pollutants out of storm drains to San Bernardino County residents and businesses. California Water Agencies partnership for water savings.

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