SBVWCD’s Board of Directors, Management, and Staff are committed to maintaining an open and honest dialogue with customers about our operations and finances. The district works to earn and maintain the trust of the local communities, water and other partners, and the public in a responsible and transparent manner. We want to make sure that information on management of the district is easy to find and that our customers and partners value the services we provide.
We have provided financial and related material on one page, but if you do not see something you are looking for call us at (909) 793-2503 or email us at We are proud to have earned the Transparency Certificate of Excellence from the Special District Leadership Foundation for our efforts to demonstrate best practices in transparency and accountability.
District Value
SBVWCD recharges water from the Santa Ana River and Mill Creek in East Highland, Mentone/East Redlands. The district’s 52 recharge basins in Mill Creek and 14 recharge Basins in the Santa Ana River along with other facilities recharge area improve water levels and water quality for the San Bernardino Basin Area. We recharge native river, creek water, and State Project water on behalf of our customers and water partners. The SBVWCD boundary encompasses approximately 50,000 acres or approximately 78 square miles within unincorporated San Bernardino County as well as portions of the Cities of San Bernardino, Loma Linda, Redlands, and Highland. The water recharged by the district serves 227,580 (according to the 2010 census) people in the district who use well water through our partner water agencies. In addition, cities and agriculture in Riverside County pump and use water recharged by the district.
Originally formed as a private Water Conservation Association in 1909, percolation ponds were dug, and the Cuttle Weir was completed by 1914. The current District was formed by the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors on January 4, 1932, through a vote of landowners to obtain water for conservation purposes as a special purpose District under §74000 California Water Code Water Conservation District Act of 1931. Shortly thereafter, the Association dissolved. The district has fee ownership, water recharge easements, and/or permitted use on more than 3,650 acres.
District Governance
The SBVWCD is governed by a Board of Directors that establishes the policies of the district and appoints the General Manager, who oversees the day-to-day operations of the organization. The Board has recently completed redistricting from 7 divisions to 5 divisions and from 7 members to 5 members.
The Board of Directors’ conservative fiscal leadership has allowed SBVWCD to maintain one of the lowest Groundwater Charge rates in California. Our District’s staff is proud to get more done with less. The district faces an ever-changing environment with challenges on many fronts. To address the challenges, the district updated its Strategic Plan as a Community Strategic Plan which includes both background explanation and strategic mission, issues, goals, and strategies for the coming few years. The Board has recently updated its Board Policy Manual which explains the rules of the Board.
District Transparency
SBVWCD works closely with our customers and partners openly to build public trust. SBVWCD’s Board of Directors conduct committee meetings and one Board meeting each month in a public forum. The District’s Groundwater Charge Rate, District Budgets, and all Board member and employee compensation and benefits are adopted by the Board of Directors in a public meeting. The public is encouraged to attend the Board of Directors’ Regular meetings, which are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. at our District offices. For more information on meeting dates, agendas and minutes click here.
District Ethics
The district has adopted and follows a Conflict-of-Interest Policy and fully complies with the specific requirements of the Political Reform Act (financial interests and decision-making), Government Code Section 1090 (contracts), the Ralph M. Brown Act (open meetings), and AB 1234 (compensation, expense reimbursement, and ethics training). These policy and statutory requirements regulate transparency and ethical behavior by water district officials. The Board of Directors Ethics and Sexual Harassment Training Policies were updated in the Board Policy Manual.
District Compensation
The Board of Director per-diem is $277.00 per meeting up to a maximum of 10 meetings per month and expenses for District and other meetings is set by Ordinance No. 2014-1 and Resolution No. 627, Board of Directors Compensation Information. Expenses above $100 dollars are reported annually in the annual financial report, subject to the Board Policy Manual.
Form 806 reports additional compensation (salary or stipend) that public officials receive from appointments to positions on committees, boards, or commissions of a public agency, special district, or joint powers agency or authority. Link to the most recent FPPC Form.
The district has a small staff of 10 full time employees, General Manager, interns, and District General Counsel. The Organizational Chart and the Job Classification Salary Schedule indicates the positions and pay structure. Finally, the General Manager’s Contract documents the pay and benefits paid to the District Executive.
The District’s Annual Government Compensation in California/State Controller’s Office are shown in links here to State Controller’s website.
Calendar Year 2023 RCWD Compensation on the CA State Controller’s Website
Calendar Year 2022 RCWD Compensation on the CA State Controller’s Website
Calendar Year 2021 RCWD Compensation on the CA State Controller’s Website
Calendar Year 2020 RCWD Compensation on the CA State Controller’s Website
Calendar Year 2019 RCWD Compensation on the CA State Controller’s Website
District Benefits
Board of Directors – No Health, Life insurance, or Retirement benefits are paid for directors. Staff benefits include Health, Dental, Vision, and Retirement benefits. Employees may also cover their family at an extra cost. Staff earns 14 holidays, 12 sick days, and 10 days per year of vacation. Vacation increases at 2 years and 5 years. Staff earns retirement in CALPERS 2.5% at 55. Employees currently pay part of the cost of the retirement, as indicated in the Personnel Manual. Retiring staff are provided continued healthcare until they qualify for social security.
District Financial Information
The SBVWCD annually holds a Budget Workshop to develop the budget for the ensuing fiscal year. Below you will find the approved District Budgets. Additionally, you will find a link to the annually approved Statement of Investment Policy.
Approved District Budget 2024-2025
Approved District Budget 2023-2024
Approved District Budget 2022-2023
Approved District Budget 2021-2022
Approved District Budget 2020-2021
Approved District Budget 2019-2020
Approved District Budget 2018-2019
Approved District Budget 2017-2018
Approved District Budget 2016-2017
Approved District Budget 2015-2016
Approved District Budget 2014-2015
Monthly unaudited financials and check register as well as Quarterly (September, December, March, and June) financial reports are included in the Board Agenda Packages the following month. Click here for the Board Packet
The district has a particular rate setting process which is required by Section 75500 of the California Water Code. The district also has revenue which is variable and countercyclical to its costs. As an example, the district experiences significant costs to clean its recharge basins in high precipitation years. In those years, less water is pumped from groundwater due to climate and surface water availability, which results in lower revenue. The District Reserve Policy is approved to help set aside the proper levels of reserves that are available to support critical services provided despite revenue fluctuations. A new reserve the Board requested will be used to stabilize the Groundwater Charge Rate in order to reduce large increases when needed.
District Audits
2023-2024 Audited Financial Statements
2022-2023 Audited Financial Statements
2021-2022 Audited Financial Statements
2020-2021 Audited Financial Statements
2019-2020 Audited Financial Statements
2018-2019 Audited Financial Statements
2017-2018 Audited Financial Statements
Recognition and Achievement
The district is working toward several recognitions, District of Distinction, Transparency Certificate of Excellence, and has achieved Recognition for safety and management.
Public Records Requests
Still cannot find what you are looking for. You can call us at (909) 793-2503, email us at, or submit a Public Records Request. Any member of the public who wishes to inspect copies of a particular public record may submit a written request identifying the public records to be inspected. Requests may be made using the Public Records Request Form and are subject to the District Public Records Request Policy.
SB 272 Public Records Act
Senate Bill 272 (SB 272) was signed into law on October 11, 2015. This law requires local agencies to publish a list of “enterprise” systems and applies to all California special districts, cities and counties. This catalog will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis. Please click hyperlink to view San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District’s Catalog of Enterprise Resource. Click hyperlink to view the full text of SB 272