Helping Nature Store Our Water

Facilities and Resources


Folder Facilities, Operations, and Resources

Facilities and Operations

The District's facilities are focused on moving and recharging water in the Santa Ana Spreading Grounds and the Mill Creek Spreading Grounds in the upper (East) ends of the Bunker Hill Basin. The District's Operations and Maintenance Manual is listed below and provides significant information on the facilities and operations.  These facilities mostly include weirs, diversion structures, canals, gates, control systems, recharge basins, wells, and related infrastructure including roads, processing areas, security fencing, and heavy equipment for maintenance.  The District cooperates with all the water entities in the valley to move, conserve, and recharge water for the benefit of the basin.

The District has a field office in Mentone and storage in the Santa Ana Canyon.  In addition, the District's Headquarters office is in Redlands at 1630 W. Redlands Blvd, Suite A.


The District has water rights for the diversion of water from the Santa Ana River and Mill Creek for recharge.  The District also has land in Fee and easement for the recharge of water, preservation of habitat, mining, and other uses.  The District cooperates with adjoining land owners and easement holders such as San Bernardino County Flood Control District, City of Redlands, City of Highland, East Valley Water District, Robertsons Ready Mix, Bureau of Land Management, Southern California Edison, and many others.  The District lands are resources for endangered habitat, critical local building materials (sand/gravel/concrete), open space, and recreation in the future.  The District also generates sand and other materials from the cleaning of its basins that is frequently available. The District works with many public agencies in the region to manage rock and aggregate materials for project in the area.

If you have questions about the facilities or resources of the District and do not see the information you need in the files below please do not hesitate to call or contact the District office at





Select Toggle Title Date
pdf Operations Management Manual 2022 Appendices ( pdf, 113.56 MB ) (1053 downloads)
pdf Operations Management Manual 2022 ( pdf, 137.66 MB ) (1046 downloads)
pdf 2019 Operational Management Manual ( pdf, 37.87 MB ) (3347 downloads)
pdf 2019 Operational Management Manual Appendix ( pdf, 80.49 MB ) (2932 downloads)
pdf 2017 Operational Management Manual ( pdf, 41.54 MB ) (3223 downloads)

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