Helping Nature Store Our Water

About Us

The San Bernardino Valley Water Conservation District was established by the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors on January 4, 1932. The District was created to recharge the groundwater basin with native water in order to conserve that water for future use. At that time, the water was primarily for agriculture; today this water is used for agricultural, municipal, and industrial purposes.

Our mission is to ensure recharge of the Bunker Hill Groundwater Basin in an environmentally and economically responsible way, using local native surface water to the maximum extent practicable.

We strive to improve the supply and quality of groundwater, balancing such demands with those of land, mineral, and biological resources.

Take a moment to explore:

This section describes the role of the District in recharging groundwater and protecting the natural resources of the San Bernardino Valley.

See our latest job openings.

This section provides the District’s mission and a brief history.

Meet the members of our Board of Directors.

See a map of the area served by the District.

See the agendas for upcoming meetings and read the minutes from previous meetings.

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