Helping Nature Store Our Water

Feinstein representative reviews plans to increase water storage

SBVWCD Newsletter

Krystian Lahage, field representative to Sen. Dianne Feinstein, paid a visit to the region to hear about plans to improve water capture, and to catch up on the recent progress of the Upper Santa Ana River Wash Habitat Conservation Plan. San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District is asking for the Senator’s help in getting the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to support using Seven Oaks Dam to benefit water conservation projects locally and downstream, like at Prado Dam.  Water is a precious and critical resource to Southern California, and this plan will make the most of the tax dollars spent to construct Seven Oaks Dam. Legislation introduced by Feinstein and signed into law in 2019 was instrumental in the Wash Plan, and we hope her support kick starts more cooperative use of these expensive facilities for the region.